Monday Morning in North Georgia

Most of us insist on knowing exactly where we are going and have numerous devices to ensure that some satellite is giving us the roadmap to our destination. But, as Angela points out, journeys of faith and trust upset our carefully cultivated sense of security and lead us to places we didn’t expect to be. In Scripture and in life, that is often where we meet God.
—Bishop Sue

Go Without Knowing 

As we talked, I realized that Jessica and I are the same age. She had just told me about having been to Texas, Florida, and Alabama trying to flee from her violent spouse. As a result of fleeing, she ended up homeless in the Metro Atlanta area.  With tears in her eyes, she looked at me and said, “Rev. Johnson, I am scared, homeless with three children, and God left me in Alabama. I have slept in my car, hotel rooms, and I go without knowing what might happen to my kids and to me.“

As Jessica, her children, and I sat in the middle of a fast food restaurant, I listened to her story and provided words of assurance.  I told her that the battles you are to fight may be too mighty for you, but you need not fear. With God on your side you are more than able. It will not be by your strength, but by His that victory will come. Be assured there is no weakness in God.

I left the restaurant feeling heartbroken.

I wrestled with the thoughts that this could be me. I am 30; I could have three children and be homeless. I thought of all the people who are homeless in the Metro Atlanta area. While I am sleeping comfortably in my bed, there are people sleeping in their cars, on the streets, and in shelters. Too often our homeless brothers and sisters go without knowing where they will end up or what will happen next.

“Go without knowing…” This phrase from Genesis 12:1-9 reminds me of the journey that Abram went on. On the journey, he had some struggles, had children, and grew old before God sent him a son with Sarah (his wife). “Going without knowing” means we must learn how to trust God in any situation that we encounter and to trust that God is with us.

Serving my brothers and sisters who are without a home has opened my eyes to so much. Every day I re-learn what it truly means to have FAITH and TRUST in God. Each time I listen to a story, I am learning how my homeless brothers and sisters “go without knowing.” Sometimes when we find ourselves in a place we did not want to go, we learn to truly trust God!

When is the last time you truly trusted God and did something that you doubted you could do?

Rev. Angela R. Johnson is an ordained deacon from the South Carolina Conference currently she is serving at Action Ministries. She serves and helps homeless veterans and families find permanent housing. You may contact Angela at

Prayer Focus for the Week

O God, you have a history of messing with your followers and calling them into your unknown. When that happens to us, help us to realize that our only security lies in you walking with us regardless of where we go. We kid ourselves when we think security lies in knowing exactly where we are going and what will happen to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
—Bishop Sue

Sunday's Scripture

Jeremiah 31:27-34
Psalm 119:97-104 or Psalm 19 (UMH 750)
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Luke 18:1-8

News to Know

Responding to Hurricane Matthew

Please join us in prayer for all who are were in the path of Hurricane Matthew, from the Caribbean to the US coast. North Georgia Conference Disaster Response has been in communication with FEMA, UMCOR, and United Methodist Annual Conferences. Trinity on the Hill UMC in Augusta and Snellville UMC were activated as shelters last week. As damage is assessed there are several ways we can help. 

  1. Do not self deploy. A strength of our connection is that we can cooperate and respond based on need and information from local authorities and emergency personnel. Please do not go to a disaster site until the North Georgia Conference is asked to send trained ERTs or mission teams. 
  2. Give. As always, 100 percent of our gifts to UMCOR go to those in need. Give through your local church by clearly marking checks for UMCOR Disaster Response. The NGUMC fund numbers are Fund #4390 for UMCOR US Disaster Response or Fund # 8430 for UMCOR International Disaster Response. 
  3. Assemble UMCOR Health Kits. Thanks to the generosity of many, there are adequate Cleaning Buckets (flood buckets) that can be mobilized immediately. There is need for Health Kits. Find assembly instructions at